Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Birthday Party for Louise

Another year, another party. We won't tell you how long ago Mahmaw stopped counting birthdays ...

Jane and Jamie invited the family over to their house for a celebration of another year for Louise. Several deserts were served. Presents were opened. Everyone had a good time.

This picture of Mahmaw and the boys was taken to remember the event and to reflect on the multiple generations that were present at the party.

We're looking forward to many more of these parties with Louise.

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Special Day for Jason

We've had a special three days for Jason. It all started Saturday morning when Jason had some sort of seizure or something else like that. After an encounter with the EMT from 9-1-1 and a few phone calls, it was decided to take him to the hospital and have and EEG done to possibly determine the cause of the seizure. Here are some pictures of Jason with 27 electrodes stuck to his head so the doctors can read his brain waves. We will know the results of the test on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Hope and pray for the best.

In the meantime, Jason is going about normal things for a guy his age: school, play, sports, video games and watching TV.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

No new pictures today. Nothing really exciting going on. Just Valentine's Day. It started pretty normally, getting the boys ready for school, eating breakfast. The breakfast was a little specia, howeverl. Karen made the boys heart-shaped pancakes with chocolate chips on top. Needless to say, the syrup flowed like wine. I think Joshua ate seven or eight pancakes.

Off to school. It was an extremely cold day here in Abilene. The high temperature was in the upper-20s or lower-30s. I think it was something like 28 degrees with strong northerly winds when we left the house for school. Drove the boys to school, walked them to class (I didn't like this part because of the cold), and went to work.

Karen and I went out for Valentine's lunch at a local Mexican food restaurant (Los Arcos). Then to Walmart to buy fruit for that night's special Valentine's day desert (fruit dipped in chocolate).

Work, work, work.

I got home around 5:30PM. It was still very cold. The boys were really excited to see me tonight. They all three greeted me with "jump hugs" when I came in the door. A jump hug is where they stand back about two or three feet, jump into my arms, I wrap them up, pick them up and give them a big hug. Its great but I keep waiting for the day when I fall to the floor in the fetal position, sucking my thumb because my back just gave out. But, so far so good. Josuha had a napkin on my dresser with a message to the affect that "I Love Daddy." I got no idea how I'm going to survive when all the love stops from the boys.

Karen made a really good dinner. It was a salmon pasta. It was very good and enjoyed by ... well, Karen and me. The boys ate hotdogs or sausage and macaroni and cheese. Then came the thing we were all waiting for: fruit dipped in chocolate. I should have taken a picture of the aftermath because the boys had chocolate and a smile on their face.

All in all, it was a most excellent Valentine's day.

By the way, Karen bought me two Abilene history books that I wanted and a box of chocolate covered raisins for my Valentine's gift. The books are on the book shelf. There is no evidence left of the chocolate covered raisins. They were dark chocolate covered rainsins and dark chocolate is good for you so I kinda look at it like I was taking lots of little vitamins.

Hope each of you also had a good Valentine's day with the one(s) you love.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Birthday Party for Paw-Paw (J.C.) - 75 years old

We had a little party for the boys' grandpa last night. My parents invited some of their closest friends and the family to join them for dinner at The Homeplace and cake and ice-cream at the house. Just thought I'd share a few pictures of the event.

To Mike and Sharon: HA! I beat you to the web!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Boy Scouts at the Christian Service Center

We visited the Christian Service Center on Saturday, February 3rd. Each boy in Joshua's Cub Scout den brought items from their home they wanted to donate. There was clothes, toys, dishes and bikes. After the boys brought all the stuff inside, Jim Clark, the director of the CSC, gave the boys a tour through the facilities.

Its probably a little unusual to put a picture on a website that is blurry like the one of Joshua. I like the way it is all out of focus and seems to come into focus around Joshua. I'd love to say I planned this picture but its quite the accident.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Jon-Jon at 100 years old

Today is the 100th school day of the year. In celebration, Jonathan's class will be dressing up like a 100-year old person. Here are pictures of Jonathan's outfit. Notice the picture where he is yelling. It looks like he took fussin' lessons from his paw-paw.