Monday, June 25, 2007

A Couple of Birthday Parties

Well, Jason and Jonathan are one year older now. We had two weeks of partied and friends staying over. Needless to say, the kids had a great time. It also goes without saying that mom and dad are glad its done. We're ready for a few days/weeks/months/years and just hanging out with the guys.

Jason had friends over Friday night. They played Game Boys and DS-Lites and watched movies until 2 in the morning. Dad had to give up the ghost at that hour so everyone had to hit the pillows. The next morning, they were up early. I think around 7:00. Karen and I couldn't believe it! They would never wake up so early on a school day!

More gaming in the morning then it was off to the movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean III." Lots of money (the movie and the snacks) and almost three hours later (a very long movie), we returned home to a big party with family and friends.

The next week was Jonathan's turn. Not quite as much activity but there was a sleep over with friends, lots of Game Boy gaming and the party with the family on Saturday morning.

As I said earlier, mom and dad are partied out.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Out With the Old and In With the New

As the saying goes. I unhooked the old black ovens and moved 'em out. The new appliances are in place, with the exception of the dishwasher, which is being reordered since the original was damaged.

I was trying not to sweat but failed. Ah, blessed Summer and its heat.

I'm Cool Too

Ya see, I'm cool with my flashlight on mah punkin' head.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My Mom

This is a picture of my mom standing in front of the house she was raised in.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Some Artwork by Jon-Jon

I was cleaning up some paperwork last night, filing things away, getting the budget info up to date. In a pile of papers, I found some artwork that Jonathan had done the past few months. So, I thought I would share it with you.

Summer Begins

According to the meteorologists, Summer begins on June 21st or 22nd. To three little boys, Summer begins the moment school ends. And no activity spells S-U-M-M-E-R better than swimming! We went to the Abilene Swim Club on Saturday and participated in this ritual of Summer, sacrificing education and learning on the altar of a darned good time. The boys lasted two hours and were plum tuckered out.

And so our Summer begins.