Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Vacation 2007 - Our Favorite Ice Cream P

We come to the caboose each year to get a dip of Blue Bell Ice Cream ... Or two ... Or three. This is like the last place to get real ice cream before Alpine. It is served out of an old train caaboose, hence the name.

Vacation 2007 - A Day in Mexico

Well, actually an hour or so. The boys did not like being in another culture. So, we walked around a little, ate a really good buritto from a small, sidewalk vendor and left. We're on our way back to America.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Summer Vacation 2007 - The First Stop

We made it is far as Odessa and stopped for a break. We found a Chic-fil-A and had some lunch. The boys are in the Game Stop store in the mall.

We're about to head West to Pecos and turn left ... Which is South to Fort Davis. Assuming of course we ever get the boys out of Game Stop.

More later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Gibson Boys Take Up A New Hobby ...

Well, we've entered a new phase in our life with the boys. They have discovered the game of golf. Their grandparents introduced them to the game a few weeks ago. Just a few days ago, they bought all three boys their own golf clubs.

I took the boys over to the two-hole course at ACU. It was interesting to say the least. Somehow, we managed to lose 4 or 5 balls on a course with two holes. Good thing it wasn't a 9 or 18 hole course. We would have had to sell the car to buy enough balls to finish!

Anyhow, the boys had a wonderful time. I have to be honest and say its a little stressful taking three boys with little to no golf experience to a course. I was so afraid someone would get a club or a ball up side their head. That never happened so life it good.

I'm particularly excited about the picture of Jon-Jon on the tee box. Notice the look of pure joy on this face. Now look just to the front of his feet in the grass. Yep, that's the ball still sitting there. I think he likes playing golf regardless of the outcome.

We worked a little on our golf etiquette while we were there. Waiting your turn is hard for three boys. But they listened and learned.

Karen and I are thinking of taking them golfing while were on vacation next week in Fort Davis. Should be fun.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tammy the Dog Takes Over!

My Mom and Dad recently acquired a new dog. The dog's name is Tammy. Needless to say, my parents act like they just had a new grandbaby. I guess, in one way, they did. I went to their house last night to take pictures of the dog. Dad wanted to give Mom a birthday present of a picture frame full of pictures of Tammy and a greeting. I took the pictures. Karen did the hard stuff, figuring out how to get them into the frame I purchased and putting it all together. It looks great by the way.

Anyhow, here are a few of the pictures of the dog.

Hope you enjoy.