Saturday, September 15, 2007

Karen and David in Florida

I, David, do solemly swear that I really am in Florida on business. I can't help it if the conference is taking place at one of the nicest hotels in the contiguous 50 states: The Westin Diplomat in Fort Lauderdale. This is a shot of the pool area at the hotel from the 18th floor balcony. The best part of all is that Karen was able to come with me. She needed some time away and we both wanted a little time together. The trip in was good (in aviation terms that means uneventful) and the hotel, as you can see, is very nice.
Karen will return to Abilene on Monday. I, on the other hand, will have to continue to suffer in this vacation purgatory until the end of the week. More later.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Results of A Night at the Fair

After four hours of walking around in the dust, smelling cow and goat dung and spending $100 on tickets, food and games, here is the result. We ended up with a toy cartoon fish. Ironically, the boys and Karen named him "Ripoff." The name came from the $2 darts we bought at one of the game shacks. With that $5 (he gave us 3 darts for $5 instead of $6 -- Wow! What a guy!) we acquired Ripoff. So, the next time you come to the house be sure to say "Hi" to Ripoff, the newest member of the family.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Jason Writings - The Wooden Race

As I enter the building I stare at the track I greet my friends and head over to the officals table to enter my car in the PINEWOOD DERBY RACE. Soon after, the race begins and after 5 min of racing, its my turn.

I set my car up and race down to the end of the track to see who wins. In this race I’d be V.S. (see editor's note below) Hatus’s car. 3, 2, 1, and the cars were off. My car trailed and lost to Hatus’s car the 1st part of the round. But then my dad told me to put washers on my car to weigh it down. I tried it but, my car ended flying off the track and crashing. THUNK, CLANK, SSSS. I raced to my car to pick it up. But it was fine. After that my dad told me to tape the washers down. So I tried it. The judges called a re-run. 3, 2, 1, and there they down the track. But suprisingly my car WON! Then incredibly my car beat him to win the round!!!

After that for about 5 or 6 rounds against Hatus’s older brother Matheaus Then before the last race Matheaus accidently dropped his car. SMASH!!!! everyone rushed over to fix it and they did. Soon after, the final race began. The two cars went down the track but, the judges say, Matheaus car won. So I get second place But I was more proud then I’d ever been in my life.

*editor's note: the V.S. means 'versing,' which is Jason's way of saying 'versus' or 'competing against'. I've never heard this neologism until Jason used it. Kinda cool!

Hatus is a friend of Jason's at school whose parents are from somewhere in South America, although I can't remember where. Matheaus is actually Hatus' older brother.