Thursday, December 20, 2007

Joshua's Class Christmas Party

Well, here's the last one of the bunch. Joshua had his class party and
the cookies flowed like wine. Josh enjoyed his party ... And his cookie.

Jason's Class Christmas Party

Jason enjoying his cookie creation during his class Christmas party.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jon-Jon's Class Christmas Party

I attended Jonathan's class Christmas party today. There was Bingo
with M&Ms, burritos and games. Oh, and there were cookies. Each child
frosted and sprinkled their own cookies before digging in. Needless to
say, Jon enjoyed his.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Kitchen Remodel - The Continuing Saga

Here are the latest pictures of the remodel. Three people asked me in the last day or so about the progress and why I haven't posted any pictures in a while. Honestly, I've been so busy working I haven't felt the time to stop and do another entry on this page.

But, I'm here at the house waiting on the countertop people to arrive so I thought I would take a few minutes and post two more pictures.

The kitchen is moving along but not finished. I'm down to the details and you know how slowly that goes. Its hard to live in the middle of the construction but it was even harder to wash dishes in the bathroom for three weeks.

We hope to have the countertops in soon. I will get some more pictures when that happens.