Monday, May 26, 2008

Parents of the Year Award - NOT!

The life of a parent is filled with ups and downs. Those "ups" are times when you have the patience of Job. The "down" times are when you don't. As parents, its hard to remember what its like to be a child and to overlook the things that caused our parents to call us out. In the end, you spend your quiet time wondering if you are doing the right things: balancing the memories of how a child feels with the reality that you have to create some sense of self-discipline in your child.

The other day, I had to drop by my oldest son's classroom at school to give him two bucks for an outing this coming week. On the way across the elementary campus, I saw my three sons' PE teacher and decided to walk over, say "Hi" and remind her that she only had to teach 500 kids for four more days. We had a nice conversation and I decided I had better move on and not distract her from her job any longer. As I turned to walk away, she called me back and said:

"I just want you to know that you have three of the best children I have ever taught. If all my students were as well behaved, I could teach all year long."

I was proud of my kids but had to confess to her that I feel like I've been to hard on them at times. She replied, "Well, you're doing something right. They always listen. They do what they're asked to do. They always show respect to me and the other kids."

I thanked her for the kind words and walked away right in the middle of one of those moments when a parent feels really proud.

I couldn't wait to tell Karen that evening. I knew she would be proud also. While we sat down for dinner, I told Karen about my conversation with the teacher. Jon-Jon listened, as did the other two. I hoped it would make them feel good about their own behavior and encourage them to continue. I finished talking. Jon-Jon looked around the table and added, "Well, I guess all that yelling works."

We all had a good laugh. I was a little embarassed. I guess this means the struggle as a parent will continue. I will continue to struggle with the "downs" and look for those little "ups." And maybe next time I am frustrated or surprised that my children are doing that thing that my parents finally "helped" me to stop doing, I'll remember that they are only children and that they really are good.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Bit of Bad News For Us

We received a note from the school nurse a few weeks ago that she was concerned about Jason showing signs of Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. She suggested we have him checked by his pediatrician.

We took Jason to Dr. Wiley's office yesterday. Dr. Wiley looked at him and had us go to Radiology for an x-ray. Dr. Wiley called us back today to inform us that Jason's spine is curved at 14 degrees. Anything at or above 10 degrees is considered problematic. He suggested we get Jason to Scottish Rite Children's Hospital in Dallas as soon as possible. Dr. Wiley's office is setting up the appointment for us today.

The good news in all of this is that it is better to find this issue earlier in a child's life and apparently before puberty. Having found it now in Jason gives us some less stringent therapies and may allow us to get his Scoliosis under control before it gets worse.

This is heart breaking for Karen and me. We're probably taking it worse that Jason will. The hard part for Jason is that it means more trips to more doctors and more medical things to do. Its hard for a 10-year-old boy to deal with everything he is dealing with.

My hope is that there is nothing here that will prevent him from doing some of the things he wants to do this summer, which includes playing soccer in the late Summer and early Fall.

Keep Jason in your thoughts and prayers in the coming days, weeks and months.

I'll add more to this story as things unfold.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Hamburger Anyone?

This is our first vegetable from our garden, an onion. It may be small but I'm hoping it will taste good on a hamburger.