Friday, June 06, 2008

Josh Says "Hello" to His Friend in Japan

Joshua has a friend that used to live in here in Abilene for a period of time and has returned to Japan, his homeland. This friend, David T, sent Josh a letter a few months back. Josh decided he wanted to say "Hi" to David T so I suggested a video greeting. Here is that greeting.

By the way, a big "Howdy" from the entire Gibson family to the Tsuneki's!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Indian Jones Movie

I took the boys to the new Indiana Jones movie today, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The highlight of the movie for me was watching the boys eat popcorn that was absolutely drenched in a "butter-like substance" and swill cokes. They were in heaven.

I'd give the movie 2.5 out of 5 stars. It followed the same trend I see in other action-adventure movies these days: trying to explain the great mysteries of life through the Roswell, NM incident in the 1950's. Yep, it all comes down to a bunch of long-headed, big-eyed, no-chested aliens. Its a theme I see again and again in movies these days. It would be nice to have a script that dared to do something different. Besides the recurring theme, there was the usual amount of excessive gore: big red ants crawling in a man's mouth to devour him. I never have gotten used to that kind of stuff. 'Bought scared Jon to death.

I think why I give it 2.5 stars and not less is that in the end its still kind of fun to watch, except the gore and the aliens.

My advice: wait for the DVD. It will be cheaper. And you can use the money to see something a little more interesting or original.