Friday, August 29, 2008

A New Video Camera, Sound and Lighting System ... and some boys

I recently purchased a new video camera, the Canon XH-A1, microphone and lighting system to work on a project that I've had in my mind for several years now. I needed to test out the equipment and couldn't imagine a better subject matter than the boys.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, ya, my other boys go to school too!

OK, so the first kid always gets a lion's share of the press and attention. I should know. I was third in line and always got the hand-me-downs and no lovin'. Alright, that's not true. I was the only boy and spoiled rotten and got everything I wanted.

Anyhow, back to the reason for this post. Jason got a video but I had to get a picture of Joshua and Jonathan at their desks. In my defense of doing more for Jason than the other two, if I had taken my video camera into Joshua's and Jonathan's classes, they would have been mortified. So, I'm sticking with the quick photo on my iPhone approach.

In case you're wondering, I didn't ASK Jason if I could bring my video camera to the middle school walk-through. And, I did notice I was the only parent with a video camera.

They are adorable sitting their desks. The boy sitting next to Joshua is his best pal these days, Colton Bontke.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Jason Goes to Middle School

As the old saying goes, "Its amazing how quickly time flies." Jason starts Middle School today. We visited the campus on Saturday and got a glimpse of what his life in Middle School will be like.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bowling with the Boys ... and a friend

Joshua had one of his friends over to spend the night. To start the visit off right, we went to Whitewood Bowling lanes and tried our hand at becoming the next, great bowling sensation. Needless to say, the members of the PBA have little to fear from us.

Here's the vid ( as Jason likes to call them )

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Floyd Goes Wild

It was an ordinary day in Abilene, just like it often is in small towns around America. The weather was warm and enjoyable. Family had stopped by for dinner. Everyone was having a good time. Then, it happened. The one things that no ordinary citizen of this small town would have expected: Floyd got wild.

It wasn't the normal kind of wild you might expect from most men. It was the kind that leads most of us to wonder who or what is really in control. How does a seemingly ordinary man suddenly shed all inhibitions and began acting like nobody has seen him act in a very long time?

The only answer can be ... Wii. It was Wii bowling to be exact. And life as we know it will never be the same. There's a sign post up ahead. It is The Twighlight Zone.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Jon-Jon and his friend swimming

Jon-Jon and his friend, Langston, took a few hours out today and went for a swim in the neighborhood pool. Dad is sitting on the sideline watching wishing I was at home sitting under the AC drinking at tall, cool glass of iced tea.

Posted by ShoZu