Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kokernot Field in Alpine Texas

While vacationing in the Fort Davis - Alpine area of far West Texas, we stumbled across this baseball field in Alpine. Named, Kokernot field for the family that built it, the field has been the home for baseball for a number of years, even dating back to the days of the all-negro leagues. One person of note that played baseball here was Satchell Paige. My middle son has been interested in the negro baseball league for some time now so this was especially important for him.

We hope to return in future years and watch a game at the field. We love baseball, especially the Texas Rangers but how special would it be to see a game at such a historic field?

If you ever have the chance to visit the field while you are in the Alpine area, don't miss it. It is a wonderful field to visit and is well maintained.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hiking at Abilene State Park

In September 2010, we took a hike through Abilene State Park, something we do a few times a year. Its not a hard hike so we can just relax and stroll along the paths. Here is a video of that hike.

This video was shot and edited entirely on iPhone 4

Friday, December 24, 2010

Playing in the Leaves

There is always lots of leaves in our front yard each Fall. I wait for most of them to fall before raking them up. Josh and Jon helped me rake part of the yard. Before we bagged them up, they wanted to jump into the pile.

Love to see them do this because it means they still have some of the child left in them. Pretty soon, they will be too grown up to jump in the leaves. Then, when they get to my age and want to do it again, they will resist the temptation lest they throw their back out.

