Friday, July 21, 2006

Jason Searching for Rocks

One of the things we always enjoy doing on our trips is looking for rocks that are "cool" looking. Today's cache includes several pieces of calicite, limestone, crystal and the "hot dog" rock that Joshua found. This rock has the shape of a hot dog in a bun.

Jason found a few rocks to add to his collection on this trip in a river bed like the one in this picture or in one of the rock stores in the area. Josh and Jon-Jon both found some rocks for their collections which tend to focus on more aesthetic qualities such as how much they look like a hot dog.

I suspect we will come home with 40 or 50 pounds of rocks from this. While most of our finds will have little to no real value to the rest of the world, these rocks help us remember the places we went and the fun we had.

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