Friday, January 05, 2007

Working on the Fence

I took some time away from the office because it was such a nice day (mid-70s, light breeze, the perfect day) and decided to use the afternoon to work on the fence project I started a few weeks ago with Jon-Jon (see the 12/29/2006 entry).

I found that hanging the rails was much easier with two people. I asked Karen to help by screwing down the rails while I used the level to make sure they were level.

Well, let's just say, this is the first time that I have seen a situation where pink socks and white flipflops were considered appropriate attire for putting up a fence.

Be that as it may, we got the fence rails up, except the two that are close to the tree. Those are only an issue because I didn't plan very well and ended up right next to the tree. I could have fixed the issue my moving several of the post holes but I was too lazy to dig more holes. I'll post a picture of my creative solution once I figure out what it is going to be.

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