Monday, April 30, 2007

The History Podcast Continues ...

I told Karen that I think I'm a little crazy to be running around the county looking for interesting stories about dead people. Sometimes I feel like quitting. There are so many thing in my life that need my attention, most importantly of all, Karen and my three sons.

Then it happens. Someone throws a kind comment my way and it gets me all pumped up for the next episode. Here are two comments from some of the folks I interviewed for the last episode on Vintage Base Ball.


I listened to the Vintage Base Ball Podcast this morning and thought you did a great job. Anytime you would like to be my publicist, the job it open. The pay isn’t good, but I guarantee that I will plug you at every opportunity.



I just heard your podcast pertaining to vintage base ball. Great Job! It was outstanding.

Michael “Molasses” Hickey

So, onward I go. Sorry Karen. Sorry boys. I will try to make some time for you also. I love all of you.

Please listen to my history podcast when you get a minute. In particular, tell me what you think about the Vintage Base Ball episode.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Boys are Growing Up

Doesn't time fly. Its been several days since I have posted anything to the 'ol family blog. A few interesting things has happened but I think I'll start with a quick blog about the boys.

As the title says, the boys are growing up. I was looking at pictures the other day of the boys when they were wee, little ones. And here we are just a day or two later, or so it seems, and they are mowing the grass. I call it mowing the grass. They call it making some money so I can buy some more stuff.

It was fun to watch them mow. Let's just say their lines weren't the straightest I have ever seen. At one point, the lawn looked like it had a strange and wonderful disease that makes clumps of grass grow in random spots around the yard. Eventually, they got the whole thing mowed and it looked great.

And yes, even the dog got in on the action.

Monday, April 09, 2007

An update on the house remodel

I told Karen that it would worse before it got better. I HAD NO IDEA!

Karen is being a great sport and even reminded me of one of my most favorite stolen epxressions "You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet." And, eggs we have broken. Mike and Sharon came in the for the weekend and we put Mike to work. Mike did most of the work and I helped where I could. The results are in the pictures.

More to come.