Monday, April 30, 2007

The History Podcast Continues ...

I told Karen that I think I'm a little crazy to be running around the county looking for interesting stories about dead people. Sometimes I feel like quitting. There are so many thing in my life that need my attention, most importantly of all, Karen and my three sons.

Then it happens. Someone throws a kind comment my way and it gets me all pumped up for the next episode. Here are two comments from some of the folks I interviewed for the last episode on Vintage Base Ball.


I listened to the Vintage Base Ball Podcast this morning and thought you did a great job. Anytime you would like to be my publicist, the job it open. The pay isn’t good, but I guarantee that I will plug you at every opportunity.



I just heard your podcast pertaining to vintage base ball. Great Job! It was outstanding.

Michael “Molasses” Hickey

So, onward I go. Sorry Karen. Sorry boys. I will try to make some time for you also. I love all of you.

Please listen to my history podcast when you get a minute. In particular, tell me what you think about the Vintage Base Ball episode.

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