Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Football Day

Saturday was a perfect day. Not too hot or too cold. At the sake of sounding to "Three Bearish" it was just right. The boys were actually grounded from playing on the computer all weekend so they had to find other things to occupy themselves. As the day progressed, football became the activity of choice.

All the boys really like playing football but Joshua is especially fond of the sport. So, the boys put on their uniforms and played a full four quarters of football in the backyard. In fact, they had started their "football camp," as they called it, the night before. But Saturday morning, the real game began and went on for a few hours. There was even a break around noon for halftime and a round of Sunny-D. I can't really tell you who won the game but they had a really good time and worked up quite a sweat in the process.

We spent that evening at the ACU football game at Shotwell Stadium, across the street from the house. It was a perfect night. It was cool, a slight breeze. ACU won the game handedly against Eastern New Mexico University with a final score of 45-20. But, the real win may have been when Joshua came within a few feet of the ACU football team. You can't see Joshua's eyes in this picture because I missed the moment but they were as round as saucer plates. And the smile on his face was ear to ear. So I snapped this final picture of him looking at the team as they came out of the locker room for the second half.

We finished the day around 10:30 that night. The moral of the story: I guess we should ground the boys from the computer more often. They seem to find really good and interesting things to occupy themselves.

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