Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh, ya, my other boys go to school too!

OK, so the first kid always gets a lion's share of the press and attention. I should know. I was third in line and always got the hand-me-downs and no lovin'. Alright, that's not true. I was the only boy and spoiled rotten and got everything I wanted.

Anyhow, back to the reason for this post. Jason got a video but I had to get a picture of Joshua and Jonathan at their desks. In my defense of doing more for Jason than the other two, if I had taken my video camera into Joshua's and Jonathan's classes, they would have been mortified. So, I'm sticking with the quick photo on my iPhone approach.

In case you're wondering, I didn't ASK Jason if I could bring my video camera to the middle school walk-through. And, I did notice I was the only parent with a video camera.

They are adorable sitting their desks. The boy sitting next to Joshua is his best pal these days, Colton Bontke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome back to skool (I need it!) Josh and Johnathan!