Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Two Updates on Jason

It was a good night last night: no seizures. After the seizures Jason had Monday night, you worry that the event will repeat itself. That was especially good for us because Karen was sleeping around town again last night. That is, she was doing a sleep study at Hendrick Hospital to see if they can do anything about her troubling sleep habits.

Secondly, we received wonderful news yesterday. Jason has been nominated to attend the Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. this coming spring. He was nominated by the teacher at his school that selects students from Craig based on his "scholastic merit, maturity and strength of character." This opportunity is not without its challenges, however. It costs almost $2000 for Jason to attend. We will be looking at our finances in the next few days to see if we can afford it. It looks like we may have to wait on the new flooring for the house. And, there is always the issue of Jason's seizures. Truth be he doesn't have them very often but the stress of a trip like this could be just the thing to set them off. One of the weeks available to him is the same week that I will be in Philadelphia for a conference. It would be very helpful if I could fly with him and at least be in the same part of the country.

We ask for your prayers for Jason as he continues to deal with these two very big issues in his life.

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