Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A New Video - Mourning Dove

Mourning Doves are monogamous birds that share in the nesting process. Typically, one of the doves will sit on the nest from the morning through the afternoon. The other dove will sit on the next from the evening through the night.

We discovered this nest up in one of our trees. It took a picnic table and a ladder to get high enough to get some of the shots but it was worth it.

This story has an unfortunate ending, however. We have a cat that has a taste for all things bird. We think she got one of the doves and both eggs. The good news is that doves nest three or four times a year and often come back to the same place. Next time, I will put up some chicken-wire to keep the cat away.

Mourning Dove from David Gibson on Vimeo.

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