Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fort Davis 2011 Day 2

Today started out with an early morning wakeup, a bad cup of coffee at the Stone Village Tourist Camp but a good cup at the Stone Village Market.  The coffee in the motel room can only be described as hot water with cream and sugar.  The coffee from the market more than made up for it however.  And, it was free.  Can't beat that. Karen and I took our coffee on the porch while we discussed the day's events.  One thing we discussed was moving to another hotel or cottage because the Stone Village Tourist Camp was more crowded than we like.  More about that in a minute. 

After the coffee and a quick bite to eat, I packed the car with my video equipment and Karen drove me to the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Trail, which is also headquarters for the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute ( I met Catherine Hoyt, director of the center, an intern whose name I've forgotten already and Beth Nobles (@trailgirl). The purpose of our meeting was to interview Cindy about the sprint 2011 fires that ravaged so much of this area and to capture her thoughts on what it all means for her, for the institute and for the city of Fort Davis.  The interview was wonderful.  Cindy did such a wonderful job of articulating what the experience of the fire was like, what is means to the area and what they hope for the future.

After there interview was complete, my wife and kids showed up at the center and we spent some time hiking the Modesta Canyon Trail, which starts at the center.  This is a good, family-friendly trail that takes you to the location of a spring at the bottom of the canyon. We had a good time on the hike but everyone was hungry so we took a shortcut on the trail, ended up earlier and headed back into town for lunch. On the way into town, I was informed that we had in fact changed our accommodations. We drove into town to a beautiful home, the Webster House. The house has four sleeping areas, a full-sized kitchen, two baths and is absolutely beautiful. Karen was really excited about the white rocking chairs on the front porch. She loves rocking while she drinks coffee. 

After lunch at the Drug Store, I had a second interview with Larry Francille, a county commissioner for Jeff Davis County. I was interested in an interview with Larry because I knew he would bring a strategic perspective to the fires and the aftermath of the fires. He didn't disappoint. 

The rest of the night will be relaxing around the house, eating, hanging with the family and just relaxing.  I'll probably even go to bed early. Pretty tired after all of the activities today. Tomorrow is another interview with a park ranger, more b-roll and more fun.

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