Monday, October 02, 2006

Will the revelations ever stop?

As you can see from this blog, I have three boys I am raising. This is good. What is not so good is my attitude and responses to them, because of them, in spite of them, etc. We had another soccer game this weekend and things could not have gone more poorly. At least as far as I was concerned ...

Jonathan would not play at all ... again.

Joshua played one quarter and wanted to quit because he was hot.

I was mad at them both because isn't it obvious that doing things like sports will turn them into real boys and men? Isn't that what they are supposed to be doing? I was so mad I even started arguing with my beautiful wife, Karen.

After some relfection and a little distance from the blessed event, there was nothing wrong with what they did. They are just kids. Its OK if they get hot and want to quit. Its OK if they don't play at all. Any problems here are with me and not them.

So, what's the revelation? I don't know if it's society, bad brain cells or what, but I do feel the need to be angry less often with my beautiful children and just let them be kids. I guess I had always figured that by the time I got be the age that I am that I would have had it ALL figured out. Maybe the revelation is that you never figure it ALL out and maybe that is the blessing God gives to us. Maybe the struggle is really what this is all about. It reminds me of the over-used phrase, "It's the journey not the destination."

Just needed to share the obvious.

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