Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Holiday 12-22-06

Started Christmas vacation yesterday. Unfortunately, I have been sick most of the time. Just a cold but what a bummer of a way to start a Christmas vacation. Even though feeling a little under the weather, Karen and I managed to get out yesterday for a few hours, do some last minute Christmas shopping and have a lunch together. The lunch was nothing special but its always nice to spend a few minutes with your wife, stuffing your face and talking about whatever comes to mind.

I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday to see how things are progressing with my cholesterol. The news was very encouraging. My LDL levels went from 220 to 126 with just one month's treatment with an statin (or however you say that). Those kinds of numbers are terrific for me. When I have seen my LDL levels up to 280, having them at 120-something is like a miracle.

I came home, got a call from work to go there and pick up my new laptop computer. It is an Apple Macbook Pro.
A very nice box ... so far. Yep, its what I am using to type this blog. Hopefully, it will help me in my work and in some of my extra-curriculur computer activites ... that is making a podcast for Abilene Texas History.

OK, I have to make the shamful plug. If you want to hear one of the most exciting and informative history podcast, get onto iTunes and search for the Abilene Texas History Podcast.
The easiest thing to do is to search for Abilene on iTunes, go to Podcasts and you will see it there. If you don't want or like to use iTunes, go to the following address: You can read the brief introduction for each podcast and listen to the audio file. If you want to subscribe and receive future podcasts, there is a subscribe button on the page. You will need a feed reader to plug the information into ... again like iTunes for your desktop. If all else fails, go to htp:// There you will find links to the podcast as well as the full text for each episode. This website is new so bare with me while I put more content on the site.

Well, back to vacation ...

My boys and I sat around last night and watched The Scrooge movie with Alstair Sims
and then watched Hidalgo. We all fell asleep upstairs in the loft.

Now for the 22nd. A pretty quiet day all-in-all. We mostly sat around. Karen fed me soup and tea to help get me over this cold. The boys watched The Mighty Ducks movie and then spent a good part of the afternoon playing hockey in the garage. Its great to watch a 6, 7 and 9 year old live out their sports fantasies. Yes, we have a couple of moments where we have to referee because they all get mad at each other but most of the time they get along well.

I spent most of the day playing on my new Macbook Pro. I also watched an American Christmas Carol with Henry Winkler.
I have always liked him as an actor. He does such good work with each part he takes on. Very believeable as the Scrooge character and I like the way the movie dealt with the decline of the relationship between him and his beloved. Actually more believeable than the Dickens version.

On to a little more padcasting tonight, another movie and then off to bed. Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow.

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