Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day 12-25-2006

We had a great day! The picture below summarizes the day for us. The boys received from Santa Claus a football uniform each. Jonathan also got a new bike. Guess he figured it would be fun to put the two together! So, here he is, peddling away on the driveway in about 32 degree weather.

The other boys got some gifts they were thrilled with. Jason got a Red Ryder BB Gun. All the boys had a good time shooting at the fence. Joshua got a Nintendo Gameboy Advanced SP. For those of you without little boys or girls and are not familiar with the latest kid-focused technology, that is a handheld game player. Josh has played with it most of the day.

Karen got a few gifts I think she enjoyed. One was a book on how to do eBay. She has been making stone jewelry (that's probably a terrible way to say that) for the past several weeks and wants to sell some on eBay. She also has a new stereo. She has been without one for awhile and now has a way to play and enjoy her music.

Karen and the boys got me a DVD series on the history of the Alamo (one of my favorite subjects) and a book I am looking forward to reading.

We spent quite a bit of the day at Karen's parents house exchanging gifts and eating.

Now we are home and are happy to be here. Its great to spend Christmas with family and friends but it is also enjoyable to be home with Karen and the guys. We are up in the loft right now. The boys are watching one of their new movies, Pirates of the Carribean II, while I, of course, type this blog.

We hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas and that you are right now sitting in your favorite chair, comfy clothes on, doing something you enjoy.

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