Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Holiday 12-23-2006

A fairly uneventful day today. The only thing of consequence we did today was we went out tonight, had a little dinner at Chilis and then drove around town looking at Christmas lights.

The Christmas lights at Hardin-Simmons University was quite pretty.

After hitting the usual suspects (Amarillo Street, the house on Sayles with all the dolls, and Fairway Oaks) we ended up at the Abilene State School and Christmas Lane. This attraction is getting more and more popular each year. This year there were cars both ways waiting their turn to get in.

We went inside the theater and saw a great train set and took this picture of the boys in front of the Grinch.

Looks like the boys are getting a little less interested in the annual drive around. That's probably normal for boys their ages.

After Christmas Lane, we came home. Jon-Jon and I walked around the block and looked at some more houses. We skipped down the street and gave Jon-Jon a piggy-back ride. After we got back home, the neighbors, who we saw walking around the neighborhood caroling at different houses, came to our house and sang a very nice song to us.

So, here we sit in the loft. I'm typing this stuff in the computer and the boys are watching Home Alone 3, a movie that I think jumped the shark in the second episode.

More tomorrow.

P.S. The Macbook Pro still rocks. Love having it to work and play on.

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