Friday, December 29, 2006

A Special Day for Jon-Jon

It has been a special day for Jon-Jon. To begin the day, the much anticipated doughnuts from AM Donuts were delivered and consumed with much enjoyment. I had promised the boys some doughnuts during the holidays and finally fell to the pressure. While consuming his third or fourth doughnut, Jonathan began feeling around the inside of his mouth for some foreign object that he initially thought was a piece of doughnut. After further inspection, he determined that it was a tooth from the lower, front side of his mouth. His first lost tooth and an the first visit from the tooth fairy.

Jonathan's excitement was palatable. He couldn't wait to show the grandparents. He called Granny and away we went to show the object d'art, the now emancipated tooth and talked about the visit from the tooth fairy. Well, once Granny was done, we were off to show Mahmaw and Pahpaw the tooth.

On the way to Mahmaw and Pahpaw's house, Jonathan began asking me how one learns to drive. I explained the idea of a driver's education instructor and how they help you learn to drive. After gaining a full understanding of the intracacies of learning to drive, Jonathan summarized my life as follows:

"Dad, first you learned to drive.
Then you met this pretty girl.
That was Mommy.
Then you got married.
So, you learned to drive before you got married."

I sure thought my life had been more complicated than that. Leave it to your kid to distill is down to a few basic facts.

Jon-Jon and I came back to the house. The next part of this story shows just what a good heart this little kid has. Before putting his tooth under the pillow in anticipation of money, glorious money ($2 is the going rate these days), Jonanthan got a out a piece of paper and penciled in the note below:

It never ceases to amaze me how often he thinks of others and giving back. Needless to say, the Tooth Fairy has quite a challenge tonight: getting a tooth in a plastic bag, eight quarters and a note out from under the pillow of a sleeping, little boy, write a "thank you" response on the note and get it back under the pillow with the appropriate amount of compensation, all without waking him up! Wish the Tooth Fairy, "Good Luck."

Its getting close to the end of the day. For some strange reason, Karen and I thought having two more boys over to spend the night would be a good idea. Like most normal people in the world, it took us about 30 minutes to realize how wrong we were! Be that as it may, there are five boys up in the loft watching Pokemon movies. I can't wait for 11PM to come around so I can send them to bed.

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