Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jason's First Bonafide Haircut

At some point in one's life they get to choose their own hairstyle. My parents let me grow my hair longer when I was eight or nine years old. Much to my discomfort years later, the growing trend continued until I embarrassed myself around fourteen or fifteen years of age with an unsightly mop on my head that had not been seen since Cro-magnon man was hiding in caves. Be that as it may, I sported that hairstyle with much pride. It is only in hindsight that I cringe when I look at those pictures and have since vowed to destroy any and all evidence that my hair ever looked like that.

Now, its Jason's turn to make some personal decisions about his owm hairstyle. Captured here is his first haircut marking the beginning of his own journey of, hopefully, better hair decision making than his old man. His preference is for long bangs. We hate to see him hide his beautiful face but to some degree its his choice ... as long as he looks neat and his mom doesn't object too much.

By the way, he hates his bangs after the haircut. In my opinion, he looks very nice. And just in case you're wondering, I WILL NOT post a picture of my teenage hairstyle here.

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