Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation in Fort Davis - Day 1

We arrived at Fort Davis, Texas this afternoon around 3PM. The trip, of course, started in Abilene. We stopped for lunch in Odessa at the Fuddruckers. I made the boys stand in front of the restaurant and take a picture. As you can see, it almost killed them.

After arriving in Fort Davis, we checked into the office of the Old Schoolhouse to get directions to the house we are renting for the week.

We checked into the house and were greeted by a resident of the house.

Turns out, our friend is a coachwhip snake and basically harmless ... at least to humans. The owner of the property, who is a zoologist, came out and gave us a Snake 101 course.

A little at fly central then it was off to the Caboose for ice cream.

To end the day, Jon and I took a walk to the cemertery (we're staying in a house on Cemetery Road). The cemetery was fine but mostly, I just enjoyed walking and talking with Jon. He's a great kid.

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