Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vacation in Fort Davis - Start of Day 2

Karen and I were up early this morning. We wanted to watch the sunrise. The biggest challenge was finding due east. For some reason, every time I come here I lose track of directions. It usually comes back after a day or so. Anyhow, we got up, made coffee and sat on the porch here at Hope's Ranch and watched the sun rise, listened to the bird's chirp and talked about the boys.

Speaking of the boys ... they are still in bed. Well, two of them are. Jason is up taking a shower. I believe they have become used to sleeping in until late morning this summer so getting up at 7AM is not happening. Since the boys are still sleeping, I'm thinking were in for a late morning/early afternoon hike. Possibly starting at the National Historic Site and venturing out from there. I believe this is a fairly easy trail. We've decided no big hikes this year. We're here mostly just to relax.

So, here we go with Day 2.

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