Sunday, March 11, 2007

David's Trip to Miami - Day 1

Here I am in Miami, Florida. South Beach to be exact. I am at conference here in the city. I arrived sometime after 8PM local time. Joshua called me almost immediately to ask how to get a DVD to play. We added a Tivo box into the mix and I bought a new universal remote that is not very universal so we are all lost at how to play a movie ... of all things.

Anyhow, back to Miami.

This picture is of the dinner the company put on for us. The food was good. The bar is free. But, I 'd rather be here updating this blog than hanging around the crowd. I sure have gotten boring in my old age. This is a very nice hotel. But, I always feel like I don't belong in places like this. I'd rather be in Abilene with Karen and the boys or, better yet, be in Fort Davis with them.

I took a quick stroll out to the beach. I noticed the constellation Orion high in the Southern sky, the same place it is in Abilene. I wished one of the boys was also looking up at Orion thinking of me. I could see ships passing in the distance. The whole Ocean thing is overwhelming when I looking out over the waves. Makes me think of the majesty of God and how big he must truly be.

Mostly, I just miss Karen, Jason, Joshua and Jonathan more than I can tell. I know I have to keep traveling so I can keep learning. But, I do hate being away from them. Can't wait until Wednesday.

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