Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jason's ALPS Program - Space Night 2007

Over the last couple of years, Jason has been attending the ALPS program here in Abilene. This ALPS program is what used to be called the Gift and Talented program. Well, my unbiased opinion ;-) is that he is indeed a gifted and talented young man!

This school year, Jason has been in Mrs. Randall's class at the ALPS location. I don't know if its the same every year but this year's theme is about outer space. The kids in the class get to focus on one or more aspects of being and traveling in space. Jason and his team, The Star Destroyers (seen at right), focused on how to package and carry food on a space shuttle flight.

To transport the food, Jason and his team recognized the limited amount of space that would be available on a shuttle flight for food. In that light, they created a tubular device called "The Dark Meal" that holds seven different containers of food in it and can be placed into a small space on the shuttle.

Jason and I built the food storage device one night here at the house. We needed a way to cap-off the two ends of the food tube. We used some paper and rubber bands to create a cap. The boys on the team thought it looked like one of those hoods you see the old Hebrew guys wearing in the old movies like The Ten Commandments so they named the tube (view in Jason's hands) "Moses."

Moses was displayed for the parents and all the friends to see at Space Night 2007. Different kinds of food that may be on a shuttle flight were handed out. OK, the truth is that everything the kids had to offer was of the dessert variety. One parent remarked, "I've learned something about space food here tonight. Its full of sugar!"

The parents were full of sugar. The kids were REALLY full of sugar. A good time was had by all.

Thanks to Mrs Charlene Randall for all the hardwork she did to pull this program together.

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