Saturday, March 03, 2007

An MRI for Jason

Lets go back a few days and catch everyone up on Jason's seizures. As you can see below (Feb 19th entry), we had an EEG done. The results of the EEG diagnosed Jason with Benign Rolandic Epileptic Seizures. It is a form of childhood epilepsy. The good news is that he will outgrow it sometime during his mid-teen years. The bad news is that Karen and I will worry every night whether or not he will have another seizure. If he does not experience another seizure in the next six months, then we will just ride the wave until he outgrows his condition. If he has another episode within six months, we will have to consider medication to keep him from having seizures.

Its normal when a child is diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epileptic Seizures to have an MRI done of that area of the brain (the Rolandic region) and see if there is anything bad in there. In nearly 100% of the cases the results of the MRI are negative and its just back to the watch and wait game.

Last night, Karen and I took Jason to Hendrick to have an MRI done. It was a very typical scan and lasted about 45 minutes. I know this all had to be scary for Jason but he was very, very brave. He talkative and helpful to the technician and mounted the MRI machine and did exactly as he was asked. For a young man of his age, he did very good job by laying still and allowing the technician to get some good images.

The one thing we were not expecting was that they injected some fluid into Jason's veins for contrast on the images. It hurt a little when they put the needle in his arm but my little man gritted his teeth and hung in there.

After the scan, we went into the technicians area and looked at pictures of Jason's brain. Not something you see everyday. Jason thought that was pretty cool! But, Jason's mind was on the important things of the day ... the Dominos Pizza we promised he could have after the scan.

We wrapped things up at the hospital and headed straight to the nearest Dominos Pizza and ordered a medium, thin-crust, pepperoni pizza for Jason. Mom and I couldn't stomach another pizza meal so while Jason and I picked out a movie at the video store, Mom got some real food at Arby's. Well, at least its closer to real food than Dominos. Having acquired all the necessities of an average night in a 21st century American home, we headed home for dinner and a movie.

Joshua and Jon-Jon had a treat too. They got to spend the night at Granny's house.

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