Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Kitchen Remodel Begins

OK, so its a bit of a lie since I've already started the project. But, at the end of this week I will start the bulk of the kitchen remodel project and try to complete as much as I can by 12/3/2007. This first phase involves removing all existing cabinet, sheet rock and lighting. From there I will re-sheet rock (is that a word?), redo the lighting and wiring, including under the counter lighting if I can impose on Jamie for some help with that. Then I will rebuild the cabinets focusing first on the ones we need for the sink and other essentials. All this in about 9 days. I don't really think I will get all of this done but you gotta have a goal ... and there it is.

Here are a few pictures of how the kitchen looks at inception. I will post updates daily or more often if they're warranted. And, yes, you are welcome to come help if you have the time and the inclination. If nothing else, stopping by will be good for a laugh!

We don't know what we are going to do for countertops yet. That will come after all the cabinets are in place. In the interim, I will put plywood or MDF down as a temporary countertop.

Wish me luck.

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