Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kitchen Remodel - Days 3 and 4

I'm not sure if the title of this post is correct or not. There hasn't been a good deal of remodeling going on the last two days. Karen, Jon-Jon and I came down with a stomach virus of some type. Jon-Jon took it the hardest and has missed two days of school. Karen slept alot the first day. I continued to work on the kitchen but progress was very slow. I just didn't have the energy I needed to keep things on schedule. Right now I'm about two days behind schedule because of the sickness. I started coming out of it about 1PM today. I got so tired around 10AM this morning that I had to lay down. I slept like I haven't in a long time until 1PM and woke feeling much better. This allowed me to get most of the sheetrock hung in the kitchen. Tomorrow's plan is to rent a sheetrock lift and install the ceiling plywood. That will take most of the day but I hope to get some taping and bedding done, let Karen start priming and painting the ceiling and getting the last few electrical items in place. That's pretty aggressive but ya gotta have goals. If things go well, I should start on the cabinet on Thursday. Again, that's a good two days later than I had hoped but when you're sick, you're sick. What's really important is to get enough of the kitchen in place so we can start using it again. That means a sink, the appliances and a few other items.

Hopefully, tomorrow's report will be better. We are all feeling better now. Jon-Jon will go to school tomorrow. Karen is feeling better but still tired. Unfortunately for her, she is my sheetrock helper and that stuff is heavy.

More to come.

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