Thursday, December 28, 2006

Fencing and Pokemon

Another day of hanging out the with Karen and the guys. Well, mostly the guys. Jonanthan and I spent a good part of the day putting the posts in for a new section of fence.

The fence posts are incredibly level and straight. One small problem is the big mesquite tree in the corner of the fence. I didn't account for the size of the tree and will have to do some "interesting" fencing to get around it.

The boys were patient while I put all this together. Karen helped by keeping the level on the posts while I concreted the posts in. Karen left early in the afternoon to work at the Christian Service Center. Her experiences there alone would make for an interesting blog ... much more interesting than this one, I suspect. As I said, the boys were patient all day so I finally quit working around 3PM and took the boys to Walmart and Game Stop so they could spend their Christmas money. I spent mine too. Jason and Jonathan bought Pokemon and Yu Gi Ho cards at Walmart and I bought a new wireless router for the computers were have here in the house. This Macbook Pro was not working well on the wireless router I had. It was too old and an off brand so it would render pages slowly at times. This new router is fast and keeps the connection.

After Walmart, I took the boys to Game Stop. Jonathan bought two new games for his GameBoy Color. Jason and Josh bought games for their GameBoy Advanced SP. We called Karen at this point and met her at LosArcos for dinner. The enchiladas and the chicken strips flowed like wine. We had a good time just eating and talking and laughing.

After dinner, we came home and the boys played their GameBoy's as can be attested to by the following video.

Karen made a really good Apple Pie. I ate and the world was good!

That's it for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good video of the boys.